How to add an extra parameters in Visual Composer

Hello everyone

If you need to add an extra parameter to standard visual composer elements, you can do it in a few steps:

1. First, you need to attache your own function to a visual composer hook your own function, the visual composer hook is – vc_after_init. You need to write a code like this:

add_action( 'vc_after_init', 'vc_after_init_actions' );

Where vc_after_init_actions() must be your function name.

2. Secondly you need to create your function where you will set new parameters for standard elements:

function vc_after_init_actions() { 

    $new_args = array(
       'type' => 'dropdown',
       'heading' => __( 'Column type', 'js_composer' ),
       'param_name' => 'column_type',
       'value' => array(
         'Content column' => 'content_column',
         'Sidebar_column' => 'sidebar_column',
       'description' => '',

In the code above I have used standard field settings which you can use in vc_map() function and I added this settings array to standard element settings with vc_add_params() function. After that you add these line codes to your project, you can see your defined field in the settings of a standard element in the admin panel.

Also you can remove fields from element settings with function vc_remove_param(). For example:

 vc_remove_param( 'vc_row', 'full_width' );