MODx how to create a xtype combobox based on modResource

Hello everyone!

In this post I will try to explain how to create a xtype combobox for your custom CMP in MODx.
This can be helpful if you create a CMP page using this tutorial – Developing an Extra in MODX Revolution.

Let’s get started!

Part 1: create Javascript/Extjs template

In my case I need to create a combobox in an update window and I need to load to this combobox a modResource entity by some criteria. For example for these entities I need to set parent id in my query in xPDOObject.

First you need create combobox xtype/template and will name it – modx-combo-employees:

 MODx.combo.Template = function(config) {
     config = config || {};
         name: 'manager_id'
         ,hiddenName: 'manager_id'
         ,displayField: 'pagetitle'
         ,valueField: 'id'
         ,pageSize: 20
         ,fields: ['id','pagetitle']
         ,tpl: new Ext.XTemplate('<tpl for="."><div class="x-combo-list-item"><span style="font-weight: bold">{pagetitle}</span>'
             ,'<tpl if="pagetitle"> - <span style="font-style:italic">{pagetitle}</span></tpl>'
             ,'<br />{description}</div></tpl>')
	 ,url: testimonials.config.connectorUrl
         ,baseParams: {
             action: 'mgr/managers/getList'
         ,allowBlank: true

In this code example I use xtype/template from modx-combo-category but I have some changes.

According to the official tutorial you must have a separate directory with the name like – doodles.
In my case I created directory with the name – testimonials.
And entities/objects that are displayed on CMP page named – Testimonials.
Each testimonial has some parameters like name/text/phone/photos/avatar/etc.
And it has a parameter – manager_id.
The id of this parameter belongs to modResource object type which contain standard fields like – name/pagetitle/content/etc.
And I need to receive these fields in my combobox to display a name of managers in it.

For receive this data to in combobox you need to create processor for this combobox, path to this processor defined in JS code above:

 baseParams: {
  action: 'mgr/managers/getList'

Part 2: create php processor

You need to create the processor for connector – getlist.class.php in directory – path_to_your_package/mgr/managers and then defined your class.
In my case like this:

class ManagersGetListProcessor extends modObjectGetListProcessor {
		public $classKey = 'modResource';
		public $defaultSortField = 'id';
		public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) {
				    'parent' => 1683
				return $c;

Public method prepareQueryBeforeCount provides a possibility to change query in xPDOObject before it executes and returns the results to the connector.
I change WHERE clause and set parent id because I have collection of my entities with this id. But you can set any other criterias for xPDOObject like – join/sort/limit and etc.
This collection contains managers that I need to displayed in my combobox.

In conclusion

After completing the above these actions you should get the combobox like this:

How to set limit of input file field with jQuery

Hello everyone!

By default, in current implementation of HTML language in modern browsers input tag doesn’t support limit for uploading files.
And if you need to set limit of maximum uploading files in your field:

<input type="file" name="photos" multiple />

you can use a simple jQuery snippet:

	var limit_of_files = 5;

			alert('You exceeded limit for uploading files! Maximum of uploading files is 5!');
			return false;
